Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is this really true?

"Two peer-review journals were established that focused primarily on stereology – Journal of Microscopy and Acta Stereologica (immediately Image Analysis & Stereology)."

That is the quote I saw. Well, I thought that the Journal of Microscopy was the Journal from the Royal Microscopy Society. The journal was renamed. The volume numbers were not changed. Back in the 1975 the volume numbers were 100, 101, and 102. So that's 3 volumes per year and there are 100 volumes. It sure seems that 33 years or more of publication occurred before 1975. That clearly puts the Journal of Microscopy's origin before the early 1960s when the term stereology was coined.

The Journal of Microscopy was not established to disseminate information on stereology.

Apparently, the article being tossed around the internet lately needs a substantial revision. Even the basics are wrong.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Curved lines and Consistent Counting

A typical stereological procedure involves the use of probes. Probes are used to investigate the geometrical properties of the objects being studied. There are two types of probes. One class of probes are placed at random with respect to the objects being studied. The placement of the probes should be done to fulfill the random requirement of the math. Examples of these types of probes are lines, points, and cycloids. The other class of probes are placed with respect to reference points identified for the object of interest. These are called local probes. Examples are the nucleator, planar rotator, and surfactor. In all of these cases, the probe is placed relative to a reference point. The reference point is identified first, and then the probe is placed relative to the reference point. The randomness requirements are fulfilled after the reference point is selected.

Most probes involve straight lines or points. Cycloids and circles are the only curved probes that are frequently used.

It turns out that determining if a probe intersects a curved structure is made substantially more difficult if the probe is not a straight line. People work well with straight lines, but not that well with curved lines. A well known problem that is still being studied is the ability of people to catch a thrown ball. The ball moves in an arc that approximates a parabola. On a windy day the path of the ball can be even more complicated. Despite this people can still catch the ball. A large number of suggestions have been made.

1.The person runs to make the ball approach the person in a straight line.
2.The person runs to maintain a constant angle of the ball to the horizon.

All of these ideas suggest that people need to reduce problems with curves to problems that avoid curves. This lesson should be carried over to stereological work as well. If it is possible to avoid using a curved probe, then do it. There are straight probes to use in place of all of the curved probes. Mistakes and inconsistencies that lead to bias can be avoided by using straight probes.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Snedecor was a statistician that helped lay out the design of many experiments through his book on the subject. Many references to his 1902 book can be found in the stereological literature. His work saw a recent rejuvenation when one of his formulas was inappropriately used to compute the coefficient of error. Some of Snedecor's work was mentioned in a book by Scheaffer et al. This work is based on the notion that the samples are independent, which is clearly not the case.

One of the earliest formulas for the coefficient of error was the binomial distribution formula which was suggested for use in point counting. The geologists and later other scientists realized the inadequacy of the formula for their work. The same was true of the Snedecor formula. In both cases, the problem was linked to the lack of independence between samples. The solutions offered to counter this problem was to take samples far enough away to avoid problems. The same can be seen in Rosiwal's work where it is recommended that no two traversal lines cross the same crystal. One of the early studies that realized that the Snedecor formula was not appropriate studied sugar beets in agriculture.

The problem had been identified by hundreds of researchers across the globe. A solution to the problem was eventually worked out by reexamining the problem from the position of developing a method to calculate the coefficient of error when the samples were known to be related to each other. The pioneering work was done by Matheron. He started with the assumption that the samples were taken in a systematic manner and used this to determine a formula for the measure of dispersion.

For unknown reasons an old formula that was not applicable was resurrected. The lessons of hundreds of researchers from many different scientific fields from metallurgy, to geology, to biology was forgotten. Their incite into the cause of the problem and the success of Matheron to develop a formula which was applicable to systematic sampling was overlooked.

Fortunately, the resurrection of this old and inapplicable method appears to have been just a brief stumble in the advancement of stereological research.

The best means of estimating the coefficient of error today is the extension of the Matheron technique. This technique has been extended to point counting and to counting of objects. Important research continues to be done by Garcia-Finana, Cruz-Orive, Gundersen, and Baddeley.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Failure to understand stereology

A few years back there was a presentation on stereology in which the speaker claimed you could break the rules and still get a "good" answer. The speaker came to this conclusion because they had done an experiment using proper protocols and then did an experiment with sloppy methods. The two answers they decided were good enough and then deiced that being sloppy and being a good scientist were the same thing. Ok. Those are not the words used in the presentation, but that is what the person was saying. So a real stereologist stands up and suggests that the speaker "Didn't look hard enough to find a difference."

This was exchange between sloppy work is no different than using a method known to get a wrong result. There are many reasons given to use methods than are known to be biased.
1. The person running the lab says "Worked for me, it'll work for you"
2. It's simpler to get the wrong answer.
3. Claim it's just as good without knowing the answer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cavalieri misnomer

The Cavalieri estimator is a bit of a misnomer. Cavalieri did not do estimates. Cavalieri did not point count.

Back in 1902 two geologists were trying to determine the size of crystals viewed through a microscope. They modeled the crystals as rectangular prisms and made use of the Cavalieri principle to determine the volume of the crystals. A mistake made in the application of the Cavalieri principle was that two objects must have the same height. This was not true in the work done. This misuse of the Cavalieri principle has not stopped the name from being used.

One of the odd things of stereological papers is making reference to Cavalieri's 1536 book when stating that point counting is being used. The reference has nothing whatsoever to do with stereological methods.

The citation of a 450 year old work that is an improper citation has fortunately become less of a fad.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Stereology Let's Us Measure the World Correctly

Stereology is more than counting cells although that is the most common use of stereological principles in the eyes of neuroscientists. Stereology is used in a great number of biological disciplines other than tissue level studies.

One of the interesting parts of the biological studies that employs proper stereological principles is ecology. One of the questions that is studied is some measure of biological diversity. A great number of measures have been conceived and many have fallen to the side as their weaknesses have been revealed.

Stereological measures were developed that provided information needed to answer questions such as biological diversity, and available forage. Many of these methods use techniques that are the same as the methods that are performed under the microscope. In fact, very similar problems exist such as the edge effect.

The importance of stereological methods, whether under the microscope or macroscopic analyses of large land areas, is that the methods have been develoepd that provide the right answer.