Friday, April 9, 2010

Failure to understand stereology

A few years back there was a presentation on stereology in which the speaker claimed you could break the rules and still get a "good" answer. The speaker came to this conclusion because they had done an experiment using proper protocols and then did an experiment with sloppy methods. The two answers they decided were good enough and then deiced that being sloppy and being a good scientist were the same thing. Ok. Those are not the words used in the presentation, but that is what the person was saying. So a real stereologist stands up and suggests that the speaker "Didn't look hard enough to find a difference."

This was exchange between sloppy work is no different than using a method known to get a wrong result. There are many reasons given to use methods than are known to be biased.
1. The person running the lab says "Worked for me, it'll work for you"
2. It's simpler to get the wrong answer.
3. Claim it's just as good without knowing the answer.

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